Kayifamily TV AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
Count Leon, who kidnapped poor people and enslaved them. He used them against Sultan Alp-Arslan. And Sultan Alp-Arsalan threatened to kill the children of those poor slaves as well, and among these children were Gulje, the younger sister of Sultan Alp-Arsalan’s wife, and the brave Alp sardar. Sultan Alp-Arsalan, realizing the situation, stopped carrying out the operation for some time.
They besieged the place where poor people and children were imprisoned. And on the other hand, Count Leon informed Sultan Alp-Arsalan that he too would not give food, water and clothes to the poor people and children. Sultan Alp-Arsalan besieged the place and began to think of plans to rescue poor people and children. Watch Kayifamily TV AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu season 2 Episode 54 English Subtitles
Meanwhile, Count Leon makes a plan and immediately continues to build a huge wall between Anne and the Turks. To build this wall, he takes the poor people through many builders, and beats them up and asks them to speed up the work.
Meanwhile, Count Leon informed the Emperor of this wall. The Emperor also supports him, and the Emperor is surprised by this intelligence. Count Leon said that the Turks would never be able to break the wall and move forward. Because this wall is made entirely of thrown stone weapons. That is, he says that the Turks can never even come in front of this wall without flying like birds.
Watch AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
Meanwhile, Cavurt Bey leaves the Seljuk Palace without informing anyone. On hearing the news of this, Seferi Hatun followed him, . Instead of stopping him and asking where and why he was going, Cavurt Bey replied that he was going to Shiraz. You’re going to stop the war that’s going to start there.
At this time he was accompanied by Melik Mansur, who was ordered by Sultan Alp-Arsalan not to leave the palace, so he was taken from there to return to the palace to defend the sultan’s orders. He asked Melik Mansur and Melik Suleiman Shah to move to Anatolia. There he asked to fight for the Turks, and this order was given to The Hatun by the Sultan of Alp-Arsalan before leaving the palace.
AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
Meanwhile, Count Leon makes another plan to remove the siege. Mariam Nishin to Bagrat which was conquered with a lot of hard work and blood. It sends it to attack. This won’t give rays time to come in from the city. That’s why the besieged team will rush there.
Meanwhile, Cavurt Bey reached Shiraz and accompanied his son Mardan. Amir Fazliya stood at its door with an army, causing Amir Fazliya’s forces to collapse, and Mardan’s forces were further strengthened by the arrival of Kavurt Ber. Watch Kayifamily TV AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
And meanwhile, in the city of Re, Sultan Alp-Arslan sent his troops to investigate gera’s murder. They, too, continue to work in full force to find out information about Gera. Meanwhile, the infidels want to use Gera’s wife. But when he didn’t, he was killed.
Meanwhile, the infidels send another woman as Gera’s wife. He wants to go to the palace and meet Hatun. He lied when he was presented to Sefere Hatun. He gets caught up in a clever question from Aver Bay. He turned the woman over and released the hatoon and put a man behind her.
AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
Meanwhile, the war between Fazliya and Cavoort Bey began, in the beginning of the war, Fazlia was slightly behind, but in the end Kavurt Bey and his son Mordan were captured by Fazliya. Imprisoned, from where Cavurt Bey Tried to break up Mordan but failed.
When the man who had put the man behind the woman didn’t get anything, the woman was talking about an address. I haven’t decided to go there. Aver Bey forbids him and goes looking for himself. And when Seferi came out of hatun palace, kaka attacked him. The uncle is the one who sent this woman to lie to the palace. When attacked, there is a fight between The Hatun and the infidels in which Sefere is. Watch Kayifamily TV AlpArsalan Buyuk Seljuklu Episode 54 English Subtitles
Hatun annihilated the infidels and took his uncle prisoner. He goes with his uncle to the same tavern where he usually works. He went there and asked his men to come out. They say they will forgive, but they fight and lose and apologize.