Review of Alp-Arsalan Buuk Seljuklu Vol. 58!
At the beginning of the volume, we see That Cavurt Bey has declared a rebellion against Sultan Alp-Arsalan through a letter, which makes Sultan Alp-Arsalan very angry.
Then we see that Seferi Hatun has been captured by Wazir Husamettin, but when Sultan Al-Arsalan reaches there, he can do no harm to anyone else. But meanwhile, sultan’s elder brother Yakuti Bey fired an arrow from behind and arrowed him in the hand. As a result, Vizier Hussametin fled with his troops. But Yakuti Bey followed Wazir Husamettin. And killed him and all his soldiers.
Then we see that, since General Roman Diojan had arrived, Count Leon had taken his fort to Annie to make him a guest. But general Roman Diozan ordered the soldiers to take Count Leon prisoner. At first the soldiers were a little frightened, but later when Adrian, Count Leon’s most trusted soldier, drew the sword to take Count Leon prisoner, they always had the courage and they all took Count Leon prisoner and took him to jail.
This angered Count Leon very much, Roman Diogen told him that he would go with them to Conastantinopoul, where he would be produced in court, as he was accused of killing numerous Christian soldiers.
Then we see sultan Alp-Arsalan passing through the forest when he sees a caravan on the other side of the river. Those who were resting there. Sultan Alp-Arslan went ahead and interrogated the caravan. Sultan Alp-Arslan asked the head of the caravan, who was a girl, and asked him: “Why are you here?” The girl replied: “We have come to do business on Seljuk land.
Then Sultan Alp-Arsalan asked: “What do you have in these cars?” The girl replied: “The cars have two of the most expensive things in the East, one is slim clothes and the other is spices.” Then some soldiers of Sultan Alp-Arsalan searched the vehicles and found that what the girl said was indeed true. But suddenly the girl, without asking, put juice in her hand from a tree and put it on the face of Sultan Alp-Arsalan. And wish him a speedy recovery. Sultan Alp-Arsalan didn’t care and left, but this made Seferi Hatun very angry. Because she put her hands on her husband.
Then we see kavurt bey revolting in the Seljuk capital and moving from there to Kirman, which was originally conquered by Kavurt Bey. There, in the fort, The Cavurt Bey declared the Sultanate. and printed mahr in his own name. and reciting sermons. and assures everyone that the Seljuk will soon conquer the capital.
Then we see General Roman Diojan come to meet Sultan Alp-Arslan at the Seljuk Palace, and bring hadiya for him. The main reason he came was to take Bagrat. Count Leon will be taken to Conastantinopool to be punished, and Roman Diozan wants to be taken as a witness. But Sultan Alp-Arsalan did not agree to this proposal.
Then the Roman Diojan threatened Sultan Alp-Arsalan: We consider you as sultan, if you do not give Bagrat as revenge, then we will have to accept Kavurt Bey as sultan. Alp-Arsalan replied: “I don’t care whoever you want as sultan, the fate of Kavurt will be the same as yours.”
General Roman Diojan gave a map to Sultan Alp-Arslan. Which was sent by Kaiser Ducas. And this map is basically the border of Byzantine. And he sent this hadiya to send the message that these places will never get Sultan Al-Arsalan. Sultan Alp-Arslan replied to Roman Diojan: “Have you heard of Ergenekone?”
That is the Iron Hill, we have crossed it, we have turned that Iron Hill into a sword. We don’t want to stop, we can’t stay even if the whole world comes together. And having said all this, the Sultan alp-Arslan set the map on fire, and tried to explain that there would be a fire of our anger, which would extend to Constantinople.
Then we see Sultan Alp-Arsalan leaving for Kirman, to identify himself in Cavurt Bay. But Kavurt Bey knows which way Sultan Alp-Arsalan will come, so creates a trap on that path, Sultan Alp-Arsalan moves towards a great danger, but Sultan Alp-Arsalan’s elder brother Yakuti Bey learns this, and goes after them, when Kavurt Be’s soldiers go to attack Sultan Alp-Arsalan and his army, Yakuti Bey kills them. In this, he again defended Sultan Alp-Arsalan. And the head of those attackers was killed by Yakuti Bey. And he hides himself from everyone.
Then we see Sultan Alp-Arsalan crossing the trap and heading towards Kirman, who is determined today not to spare him even though he is the brother of his blood. Before Sultan Alp-Arsalan could reach Kirman, Yakuti Bey reached there. He comes and talks to Kavoort Bey, and explains to him in various ways, and slaps him if he doesn’t understand. And after all this, Sultan Alp-Arsalan appeared.
He saw Yakuti Bey for the first time. He was impressed by her. And there he found the head of the attackers hanging. Sultan Alp-Arslan realized that his older brother Yakuti Bei was the one who protected him from behind. When Sultan Alp-Arsalan went ahead and went there to take Kavoort Bey captive, his older brother Yakuti Bey refused. He wants the matter settled here, so he asks Cavurt Bey to apologize, and Cavurt Bey agrees to do so. But when Cavurt Bey bowed down and came to apologize, he tried to kill Sultan Alp-Arslan with a knife.
And immediately its soldiers began to shoot arrows. So sultan Alp-Arsalan hides behind kavurt bera, the arrows are covered in kavurt ba ba. and Cavurt Bay was badly injured. And when he was taken to a hospital, doctors declared him brought dead. But basically he’s not dead, it’s a trap.
Then we see doctors treating Aver Bay fully, always keeping an eye on her, and serving her all the time. You are taking medicines from time to time. This reminds me of some beautiful old memories of Ava’s ba. He began to feel light on how big a mistake he had made. As soon as he starts thinking about them, he is shocked to hear Sultan Alp-Arsalan. But this time he got over it. And he cried. When he recognized himself, he went straight out of the hospital.
Then we see Count Leon come to help his faithful soldier Adrian escape, and the two of them prepare to escape, breaking the door and when they are about to escape, General Roman Diozan’s troops come from behind, and there is a fight for a while, but Adrian and Count Leon are captured.
Then we see that, in order to maintain relations with the Arminians after the conquest of Annie, Yakuti proposed to Debe Alp-Arsalan to marry the daughter of the head of the Armenians. When you hear that, you get very angry. Seferi Hatun was so angry that he left the palace and went to the settlement.